Luoyang Tianning Wood Co., Ltd.
Luoyang Tianning Wood Co., Ltd.

Journey At Canton Fair 2021

We, Ren and Tim with frames, have just finished the journey at Canton Fair 2021 this Tuesday. Two seasons every year, it's a good opportunity to check out the renovation of "made in china". Due to the pandemic isolation, the foreign passengers are much fewer than ever before so does the absence of exhibitors. We met some new friends from varied business sections that render valuable inspirations to our product and this industry. We saw some old acquaintances from importers and buyers who base in China drop by, grab a coffee, and share ideas about the products, trends, and how good Cantonese food is. The keyword that keeps cropping up in my mind these days is the "design language" of a product, especially for handiwork. Just like the personality of a person, a product has something to express. A piece of furniture is also a house. This definition usher to new dimensions that the tone, texture, finish, collocation, scene composes a scenario that we are familiar with or desire to see in a certain space. Tianning’s cutting edge should include but not limited to product design and craftsmanship, moreover, learn and understand the home decor aesthetic and find out our own design language will be the next stop we should head to.

China Home Decor

Home Decor

Blog: 2021.Oct.20

Tianning Wood Decorative Accents & Wall Decor Items to Meet All Your Demands.
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